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Chasm: The Rift Gameplay PC

Chasm: The Rift Gameplay PC


Having its roots in 1997 and developed in Ukraine, Chasm: The Rift is one of the most thrilling and innovative FPS from this era and the first Eastern European boomer shooter ever made.


Feeling you are no longer alone, you turn, with just enough time to shoot, killing the mutation charging mercilessly toward you. You begin to sense an eerie feeling of fear in the air, but your skin crawls as you realize it's your own...What was that thing?

Again and again you shoot, battling more strange beasts; all grotesque mutations of creatures you once knew. Suddenly the inexplicable becomes clear. Time channels have formed in the Earth's atmosphere, turning once normal life forms into something they were never meant to be. As part of a special commando unit, you must not only ward off and eradicate the beasts, but destroy the time channels to finally rid the Earth of these deadly mutations.

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